Things you should watch for if you have squirrels in your yard.
Have you ever sat on your back porch or looked out a window watching the squirrels in in your yard on their quest to build a nest or collect food? Tree squirrels are as active and as cute as can be. Watching them jumping from limb to rooftop, stretching farther than you thought possible, is like viewing a circus act.
Georgia Squirrels
In Georgia, there are three types of squirrels: the gray squirrel, the flying squirrel, and the ground squirrel. These cute little critters are busy all day long, building their nests and collecting food to store. Active all year long, the squirrels live in the nests they create in the treetops. They collect all sorts of twigs and leaves to make the nest precisely right for their young.
If you are lucky enough, you should take the chance to watch a squirrel in the process of building a nest; it is fascinating.
However, there can be a side of the tree squirrel that is not so adorable. If you have ever had one trapped in your home, you know precisely why!
Squirrels are incredibly careful, nervous, and excitable. So, if they sense danger, they will dart straight up the nearest tree to escape harmโs way. Squirrels can climb or jump on just about anything to get where they need to be.
When squirrels stay in trees, they are usually no problem. Acorns may fall to the ground, and you may hear their chatter outside, but they keep to themselves for the most part. They simply go about their business building nests and locating food to store.

The Damage Squirrels Create.
If a cute little squirrel wants to get in from the cold, you may have a real problem. The squirrels become masters at breaking in to occupy the attic, basement, garage, or even the interior of your home.
So, when colder months are approaching, homeowners need to be sure there is no entry point of which a squirrel could take advantage.
Picking at the smallest of holes in your eaves, roof, fascia, and soffits, the squirrel can gain entry. Once they establish the area as their home, it is exceedingly difficult to convince them to leave.
To build their nests, they will chew cables, shred insulation, pick at the walls, pull away shingles, and create holes in siding. If you store clothes, newspapers, or scrapbooks in the area, those will are perfect to chew and urinate on, creating a huge mess.
Not to mention, serious health risks can be transmitted by squirrels as well. They will urinate, defecate, drop parasites, shed, and leave ticks around. These areas will need to be cleaned up and disinfected.
Keeping Your Home Protected from Squirrel Damage.
There are several precautions you can take to keep those squirrels in your yard from entering your home.
Start with these tips:
- Trim away tree branches that are close to the roof line.
- Remove items leaning against the house, giving the squirrel a ladder for entry.
- Move brick pavers or firewood stacks to a location not adjacent to the walls of the home.
- Seal all possible entry points. Remember, a tiny hole can be torn open.
- Check all gutters and roof lines for possible ways to enter.
If a squirrel does get into your home, here is what to do. Squirrel removal requires trapping and relocation. There are many humane traps readily available for purchase. Placing the trap in an area frequented by the squirrelsโ traffic pattern will help you catch it. Finally, when setting the trap, bait it with peanut butter and nuts to attract the squirrels.
Remembering squirrels can bite when cornered or trapped, it is a good idea to call a wildlife removal specialist to handle the squirrel. They will determine the entry point, discover the travel patterns, safely bait, and set the traps, and assess the damage. Additionally, leaving the job to a professional like those at Covenant Wildlife Removal will save you time and money.

The sooner you get the squirrels out, the less damage they have time to do.
Now, you should also know, sealing the entry point without assurance all animals are out can cause a bigger problem. When sealed in, squirrels will create extensive damage. And, although you want them out, no one wants to seal in a baby squirrel without its mama squirrel.
And, a dead squirrel in the walls or attic is the perfect breeding ground for flies and disease. The odor emitted from a dead squirrel in the attic is unbearable, as you can imagine.
Covenant Wildlife Removal will carefully remove the little pests in a healthy efficient manner.
Contact the professionals at Covenant Wildlife if you suspect a squirrel infestation.